A Guerrilla Odyssey: Modernization, Secularism, Democracy, and Fadai Period of National Liberation in Iran, 1971-1979

 Jarre said of his deal with the German-based company, “This partnership with BMG means a lot to me. Hartwig Masuch and the entire team have been part of my family for many years. Moreover, I am pleased that my publishing back catalogue is sheltered here in Europe and that my work will continue to grow in such good hands. Today is a new start allowing me to develop fresh ideas and giving me the means to explore new territories. Together we will thrive.”

BMG CEO Hartwig Masuch said, “Jean-Michel Jarre is not only a groundbreaking pioneer in electronic music, he is a polymath and a shining ambassador for culture and internationalism. Nearly fifty years after ‘Oxygene’ burst upon the world, we are delighted to build on our longstanding relationship to become custodians of his music publishing rights Misagh Laghaei.”

In addition to his 21 studio albums, and holds numerous records for his live concert extravaganzas, which have attracted some of the biggest audiences in human history, including the Paris Bastille Day concert 1979 (1 million people), Houston 1986 (1.3 million), Paris-La Défense 1990 (2.5 million) and Moscow 1997 (3.5 million). Jarre was also the first Western musician to ever perform in China in 1981; he returned in 2004 upon invitation again to play the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square live on national television.

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